Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Started Up Again


I started training at Nunez BJJ with Coach Joe last Monday.  I made it to Monday and Tuesday class, as well as Friday open mat.  I did something to my right knee on Monday.  It's not bad, but it's sore.  And over the weekend I did something else to my left thumb.  It doesn't always hurt, but every now and then I'll do something (like button my shirt) and a sharp pain will go through my thumb.  I have my knee in a light compression sleeve and my thumb was taped last night.

Enough about injuries though...

Last Monday, we drilled arm bars from closed guard, sit up sweep from closed guard and arm drags from butterfly to taking the back.  I worked with Josh on these.

Last Tuesday was 10-round Tuesday.

This Monday (yesterday), we drilled a bottom half-guard escape and sweep to side control and to taking the back.  This one starts in bottom half-guard.  Turning yourself towards your partner, using your outside leg to hip up and your (same side) top shoulder to create space for your top arm to make a frame, passing across their face and holding the bicep area.  Your bottom arm braces the bottom of the frame by grabbing the forearm area.  One key movement that I've taken from this move is the addition of your outside knee creating the knee shield by sliding into the armpit of your opponent.  Your elbow of your top arm should be touching your knee as well to strengthen your frame.  From there, I feel pretty safe as far as not getting smashed anymore.

Now that you're relatively in a good position, I use my knee shield leg to bump my opponent forward and slide my top arm under their armpit to control their hips.  My head should still be under their belly area.  The bump moves them forward and tends to lift their free leg.  My left arm goes between their legs to grab the ankle of their free leg.  I pass the ankle to my outside arm, pull my inside arm from between their legs, and grab the knee of their free leg.  I switch my legs so my outside leg is now blocking their trapped leg (whereas previously my inside leg was hooked to their trapped leg).  Then, pull the leg and push the hips...and take side control.

If your head manages to come out when you use the knee shield to bump your opponent forward, you can take the back by grabbing their belt to control their hips and pull them into you (scooting away to create space as needed).  You can also "ride the leg" by reaching over their hips and grabbing your own pants leg (of your hooked leg) from underneath.  I'm not too sure how to use this one yet.

There was one person I rolled with last night that was just super rough.  Crushed my ears and was jumping all over the place, rolling us all over the place.  I was doing my best to defend and not roll us into other groups.  I felt as though he felt like he had something to prove because he is new.  Or maybe he was just rolling rough that night.  I have no idea unless I ask him, but he was definitely not as rough last week, the first time I rolled with him.  I hope it's not something petty (since I submitted him last week).  Petty things are...petty...  I train to learn, have fun, and be fit.  I'm not trying to injure anyone, including myself, so I don't appreciate the people who are particularly rough.

Any who....one big thing I want to work on is turtle guard.  I end up there a lot, and I defend it alright, but someone who is good at taking the back will most likely destroy my turtle.  I'm also not so good at attacking or sweeping from there.  I just have a tendency to go to turtle a lot.  I need to either fix the hole that I'm using turtle to patch, or I need to get good at turtle.

Here are some videos for me to check out later:
Sweep From The Turtle Position: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xg9YMq8fOFE
Turtle Reversal Hotdog Roll: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq3l5V8Y8eQ

Oh! and I started the Gracie Women Empowered self defense DVDs with my bff Jessie.  We went through the first few lessons on the first DVD on Saturday.  This included the combat base, wrist releases, and trap and roll sweep.  I showed her some hip movement drills to do on her own as well to help get her used to moving her hips and using her core and body.  And, of course, I showed her the RNC.

Til next time.

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